The Difference Between Pest Control and Fumigation

Have you ever seen ants on your kitchen counter or a spider spinning a web in the corner? Those pests are uninvited guests in our homes. Getting rid of them can be a challenge, and that’s where pest control and fumigation come in. But what’s the difference between pest control and fumigation?

What Is Pest Control?

Imagine having a toolbox full of different tools for different jobs. Pest control is like that toolbox! It uses a variety of methods to get rid of pests, depending on the type of pest and how bad the problem is. Some common tools in the pest control toolbox include:

  • Sprays: These can be used to kill pests directly or create a barrier that keeps them away.
  • Baits: These are like tiny traps with yummy food that attracts pests. When the pest eats the bait, it dies.
  • Traps: These catch pests alive, so you can release them outside (if they are not harmful).

Pest control is a good option for most common pests, like ants, spiders, cockroaches, and even some rodents. It’s often a safe and effective way to keep your home pest-free for a long time.

What Is Fumigation?

Fumigation is like using a smoke bomb to get rid of pests. It involves sealing up a whole area (like your house or a storage unit) and filling it with a special gas that kills pests. This gas is very strong, so it can kill all stages of a pest’s life cycle, from eggs to adults.

Here’s why fumigation isn’t used as often as pest control:

  • Strong Chemicals: The gas used in fumigation is very strong and can be dangerous to people and pets. You have to leave your home for several days while the fumigation happens, and even then, there might be a lingering smell.
  • Not for All Pests: Fumigation isn’t good for all kinds of pests. It works best for pests that live inside walls or furniture, like termites.

Who is the Right Buster?

If you’re not sure what to use, call a service market pest control pro! They’ll check your house and recommend the best way to fight those pesky pests. Fun fact: Did you know 1 in 5 homes might have a pest problem every year?  So, dealing with pests is common, and a pro can help you get rid of them safely!

Remember, pest control is your toolbox for most pests, while fumigation is like a super strong bug bomb for hidden ones. Call a service market pro if you’re unsure which buster to call!

Schedule Your Pest Control Services Today

So We Discuss all about differences between pest control and fumigation.If you’re looking for reliable pest control services, consider scheduling with Service Market. Our expert team specializes in both pest control and fumigation services. Whether you need to manage common pests like ants, cockroaches, or rodents, or require complete elimination through fumigation, we’ve got you covered.


In the end both pest control and fumigation are ways to kick out pesky pests from our homes. They do things a bit differently, though. Pest control is like a toolbox full of tricks to get rid of pests, like sprays, baits, and traps. It’s good for common pests like ants and spiders. Fumigation is like using a super strong bug bomb. It seals up your house and fills it with a special gas that kills hidden pests, but you have to leave home for a bit because the gas is strong.

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